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Carolina Winds Joins with American Cancer Society to Raise Funds for Breast Cancer

Carolina Winds Resort and VMB are excited to announce their partnership with the American Cancer Society to raise funds for breast cancer awareness, research and treatment.

Breast cancer has touched most everyone in the Carolina Winds family, whether through a colleague, a family member or a friend. It is estimated that more than 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year.

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is expected to take the lives of nearly 40,000 women this year. Breast cancer can affect women or even men of any age and according to the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention it is the second most reported type of cancer among women.

Throughout the month of October and into November, guests will be able to donate during the online booking process, over the phone while making a reservation or at the counter when they check in.

All 14 VMB resorts are excited to make this fundraising effort possible. Employees of Carolina Winds will be heavily involved in the fundraising and will even have a chance to make donations themselves.

Resorts will make this effort fun and exciting for their staff by creating various competitions and incentives to increase donations and awareness.

Throughout the month various awareness activities will occur including wear pink to work day and involving snow birds in the awareness effort.

This is the second year that Vacation Myrtle Beach resorts have supported breast cancer awareness. Vacation Myrtle Beach is committed to matching all donations made throughout the month.

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